Yan Ming
发布时间: 2013-12-25 浏览次数: 183


Yan Ming  PhD., full professor, master student supervisor. She used to be a visiting scholar in University of Toronto, and now a visiting professor of Luo Yang Institute of Science and Technology. Majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics, she successively served as the deputy dean of the School of Foreign Languages, and the director and professional leader of the Institute of Applied Linguistics. She has won Shanghai municipal awards for 3 times; university-level awards for several times. She has published nearly 30 papers in foreign language and educational journals, hosted and participated in 3 provincial and ministerial level projects and many university level projects;

She is now a professor in the School of Foreign Languages and a member of the Academic Committee of SIT; a standing director of China Educational Linguistics Research Association (CELA), a member of Shanghai International Studies Association(SISA), and a member of Science and Education Committee of Shanghai Guo Min Dang Revolutionary Committee, and a Member of the JiuZhou Poetry Association. Her areas of research interest include: foreign language education, teacher development, and language education culture.