Pilgrimage to Zhou Residence, a Social Practice on Historical Context in Summer Vacation Carried out in School of Foreign Languages
发布时间: 2014-12-01 浏览次数: 150


In the past few days, a social practice on historical context in summer vacation was carried out in school of foreign languages——going on a pilgrimage to Zhou Residence. Six students participated in the event under the leadship of Congwen Liu, an instructor of the school of foreign languages.

Soon after they entered the Zhou Residence, a delicate house with a  Western-style garden heaved to the eyes. There is a guard house on the ground floor of the building, a reception room on the first floor, and then office and staff dormitory on the second and third floor. Primer Zhou’s office, which doubled as his bedroom, was on the first floor at first, and it was moved to the third floor later. However, the KMT had once ever deployed a large number of spies near Zhou Residence, which made it a odious place to work.

After a simple visit, students and teacher split up——three students interviewed Hong, the current director of the place, to get some information about the conservation status, groups and numbers of visitors, volunteer work and other aspect of the Zhou Residence; the rest of the team issued questionnaires to the visitors, in order to learn how much did the visitor know about the Zhou Residence.

This pilgrimage to Zhou Residence was not simply a visit;however, our team has witnessed the Red Memory of an age, has felt the toil of our elder generation, and has taken the baptism of the history. Meanwhile,we think it is the preoccupation for us to preserve some historical buildings like the Zhou Residence, which not only avails us of understanding the historical buildings as well as preserving them, but also sounds the tocsin that we should not forget our ancestors and our history, and we should always remember that we should contribute our efforts to the development of our mother land.


                        by Yunfan Cao, Zhou Residence Seeker Squad